Old Skool angler Bob Tapken gets a 30plus common and 35lb mirror on his mk1 compacts, Bobs had two custom yellow led alarms off me all through the winter to test out for his own fishing and so impressed with them he's put an order in and nailed me for another 3! lol here's what Bob has to say on his result.....

``Hi Scott, I had another Wednesday morning a 30lb7oz common so here are the pictures of both and also included a picture of my set up. Pictures aren't brill it was absolutely freezing and my hands felt as though they were dropping off. It is a very good brace for up here at this time of the year, they came from a little syndicate of around 4/5 acres near Market Drayton in Shropshire we have one fish which last out was 38-14 so hoping for a forty this year. The mirror at 35-12 is it's best weight but it looks like a cormorant or a heron has had a stab at it , it has virtually healed I don't think it has anything to do with otters as we have fenced the lake and none have been seen for a while. The common is typical of the commons we have the best going 36lb, there was a good head of tench in but since we have been catching and selling them off the carp have been steadily improving in weight.
How are you doing making more alarms this has wet my appetite and I really want to buy two more heads in yellow to go with the two I have got, how soon can I expect to purchase them not only are they the best but they seem to be also lucky for me All the best.
How are you doing making more alarms this has wet my appetite and I really want to buy two more heads in yellow to go with the two I have got, how soon can I expect to purchase them not only are they the best but they seem to be also lucky for me All the best.