Graham Larkom has been on the mk1 compacts for a few months now and he's snared a couple of lovely beauties on them from the Vinnetrow syndicate on the south coast. Renowned as an ultra moody and at times rock hard venue, and then at times for a short window these cagey carp can seem to lower their defences, well briefly at least! Grahams an old skool angler that's chased and outwitted some of the finest carp in the uk for well over 20 years. he's tasted Yateley success catching the biggest from the Car Park and caught the once mythical Blackscale from Runcton that incidentally was on the missing list for a number of years. and has numerous big fish under his belt that are as iconic history fish as much as the waters they've been caught out of. Getting any info out of Graham is not easy, he fishes on his own terms, holds down full time jobs and still manages to get amongst them. well here's a lovely 34lb 4oz fully scaled caught from Vinnetrow known affectionately as `The Scaley One`. Grahams informed me earlier on in the season christening the mk1 compacts he caught an even bigger one! I`ll try and extract the info out of Graham and share the info on here in the future to lads that appreciate history fish, rock hard challenges and just doing your own thing. Top angling!