2016s going to be a year full of surprises for ecu and customers that look at my label with interest and what's around the corner.
everything is designed by myself and that does mean things can be slow in being released, but I want things to be perfect and top notch.
new ecu alarm hanger pouches will be out at the end of February, I think they'll be the best on the market. in design, stitching and materials, I've really nailed the look, but I`ll let you decide, not too long to wait for them.
of course in dpm cordura is my chosen material im making them up in.
The `Rod Risers` should be on the website this week. postage will be around £5.00 for a set of 3 or 4 pairs and they're for all existing customers who have the mk1 compacts. what's special about them...... well they enable you to fish your rods in a near vertical angle pointing skywards, and you maintain perfect line lay over the roller. great for river fishing and euro continental style fishing.
I've also been approached by a very well known uk rod builder to go into collaboration on some custom rod builds. so this is a new venture im undertaking. I've sat on some rod designs for a long time, now ill have the platform to get my ideas out there. 3 rods are planned, all are stunning and you really will find it hard to choose between the three. im excited to see the finished end products as they are stunners. very limited numbers as they're time consuming to build and very expensive components and carbons were using to produce top end rods to give anglers serious choice.
2016 will see me develop also more dpm luggage. this is something im interested in, as always it comes from wanting to have firstly certain tackle items for my own fishing, then I work on their development. its that simple. if I don't like a product or don't need a product I wont make it. everything I design is from experience and my own personal preferences and choices.
The alarms..... 1st June 2015 saw the release of the much awaited mk1 compacts, and they were a breath of fresh air for many many anglers waiting on these buzzers. in fact some lads had known of their development spanning back 3 yrs previous. so you can imagine that wait was tortuous! well you'll see another new alarm being released this summer 2016 to add to the line up and possibly a third alarm back end of the summer.
I wont give too much away, but rest assured the next alarm is another top end alarm with a lot of surprises on it. I hope it causes plenty of talk and controversy, I wouldn't have it any other way! happy angling, thanks to all the old skool anglers that relentlessly follow my label and wait eagerly for the next new products to be released.
lets have a good year ahead, I guarantee itl be interesting to say the least....;)